September 27, 2022

Jacquie Parker | September 27, 2022

The Lord has made known his salvation;  he has revealed his righteousness in the sight of the nations. Psalm 98:2 ESV

Praise God for encouraging CBS class participants in prisons in the North American Region to minister to one another and grow in their faith.

Praise God for the privilege and freedom to attend Community Bible Study both in person and online in the North Carolina West Zone.  Please pray that the Lord will provide called leaders to shepherd wait listed children and for adult participant growth in classes.

Please pray that leaders and participants in the Pacific Northwest Zone will boldly invite friends and family to join them in studying God’s Word this class year.

Please pray for a renewed hunger for God’s Word in Finland and that more people would seek a relationship with Jesus and join an in-depth Bible study.

Please pray that God would provide Core Groups for teens looking to study God’s Word in the New England/Upstate New York Zone.

Please pray for open doors with local churches and for a highly skilled translator who is devoted to the Lord and the CBS ministry in an undisclosed country in the East Asia-Pacific Region.

Please pray for God to protect and provide for the CBS leaders and participants in a struggling undisclosed country in the South Asia Region.

Please pray that God would provide the additional leaders needed to shepherd in the Arizona/New Mexico Zone.

Please pray for the CBS ministry in the country of the day: Mexico