Estelle, a teenager in a remote village of Madagascar, abandoned the Christian faith of her parents and embraced a dark lifestyle.
Her life took a dramatic turn when she became pregnant. The father of her child, unwilling to take responsibility, abandoned her, leaving Estelle to face the hardships of single motherhood alone. She was overwhelmed with fear, shame, and uncertainty about her future. Yet, even as she cared for her newborn, she continued the lifestyle that had brought her so much heartache, feeling trapped in a cycle she couldn’t escape.
But God had a rescue plan for her. A pastor in her community started a CBS class and invited her to attend. She hesitated, unsure if anything could truly change her situation. But something within her stirred—a longing for something more, something true and lasting—and she agreed to come.
As she studied the Bible and learned about the love and grace of Jesus Christ, Estelle felt her heart soften. The teachings she once ignored began to resonate deeply within her. She started to see the emptiness of her former life and the hope that a life with Christ could bring.
Over time, she abandoned her old ways and embraced a new identity in Christ.
Today, Estelle is 19-years-old and married. She and her husband worship the Lord with all their hearts and study the Bible together in the CBS class.