March 24, 2022

Jacquie Parker | March 24, 2022

“Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!” Isaiah 6:3b ESV

Praise God for those serving teens in the Pacific Northwest Zone. Please pray that God would bring more young people to class to hear about the hope, forgiveness, and love of Jesus.

Praise God for joyful Leaders Council retreats being held in the North Carolina East Zone, and for His blessing of being together for fun and fellowship.

Praise God for giving His Servants Team leaders in Oklahoma and Arkansas a broader view of His magnificence. Please pray for continued fruitfulness and encouragement in their service.

Praise the Lord for His transforming Word in Canada. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for God’s chosen leaders.

Please pray for the leaders in the Georgia Zone in the United States who are battling health issues.

Please pray that the Lord will continue fanning embers of interest in starting new classes and Remote Core Groups in the New England/Upstate New York Zone.

Please pray for God’s wisdom as leaders plan a national women’s conference for the CBSI Ministry in the Netherlands.

Please pray for God’s wisdom as plans are under way for a leadership training in Guatemala in April.

Please pray Hebrews 3:14 for NextGen Student participants, “For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end.”  Please pray they will continue to follow Christ in spirit and truth all the days of their lives.

Please pray for safe travel for a CBSI leader who will be conducting a leadership training in an undisclosed country in the Middle East/North Africa Region.

Please pray for the CBS ministry in the country of the day: Malawi