May 27, 2022

Jacquie Parker | May 27, 2022

“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:16 ESV

Praise God for the new CBSI women’s group studying Ruth and Esther in Israel.

Praise the Lord for raising up two new Area Directors to fill empty leadership roles in the Mountain States Zone and please pray that more will be identified and trained.

Please pray that an upcoming leadership training in Eswatini would produce a fruit-filled harvest.

Praise God for filling Servants Team roles with His called leaders in the Alabama North Zone.

Praise God for the recently trained leaders in the New England/Upstate New York Zone. Please pray for confidence and joy as they begin serving in their roles.

Please pray for God’s renewal for the Canadian Servants Team as they finish the second year serving online.

Please pray for classes in the South Central Texas Zone that are seeking a new host church, that the Lord would provide richly and abundantly in His good timing.

Please pray for a fruitful beginning for the CBSI group studying God’s Word together in Estonia.

Please pray for the CBS ministry in the country of the day: Togo